NOBTS Replant Bootcamp

April 4, 2025 – April 5, 2025 • New Orleans, LA


The Replant Bootcamp event is a two-day event for husbands and wives to explore and learn more about replanting dying churches. We will discuss a range of topics from a 30,000-foot view to boots-on-the-ground strategies. There will be a discussion on the characteristics of effective replanters and breakout sessions for replanter wives. If you are new to replanting, considering replanting, or want to know more about replanting, this event is for you.


JimBo Stewart

Associate Director
NAMB Replant Team

Mark Hallock

Calvary Baptist Church
Englewood, CO

Brandon Moore

Replant Specialist
NAMB Replant Team

Darlene Dryer

Replant Wives; NAMB Replant Team

In order to help keep attendees and staff healthy, NAMB will follow CDC recommendations for gatherings and events. We ask that if you have had a fever greater than 100.4, cough, runny nose, sore throat or trouble breathing within 24 hours prior to the event, please stay home.