Quina Aragon on Culture, the Immigrant, and Her True Home

Christine is joined by Quina Aragon. Quina is a spoken word artist who shares how she came to Christ in high school through a volleyball teammate. She has a rich cultural background, and she talks about how before she knew Christ, she felt she didn’t fit anywhere and how that was a huge challenge for her. But she shares how, when she came to Christ, her racial and cultural background became a huge blessing to her. Finally, Quina shares about the trial her family has faced this past year, when her husband’s family members were deported after living in the States for several decades. She shares what she wants us as Christians to know about God’s heart for the sojourner.

Listen and Live (Quina's spoken word at TGC) // His Testimonies, My Heritage // Quina's husband's twitter thread about his family's deportation // Welcoming the Stranger // The Immigration Coalition // World Relief

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Find out more about Labor With Hope by Gloria Furman at crossway.org/ByFaith2.

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Music for By Faith created by The Silver Pages
Artwork for By Faith created by Reed Harmon

Published November 5, 2019