Church Planting

Keep your job, plant a church

You don’t have to choose between a secular vocation and a sacred calling. Whether you’re a teacher, architect, mechanic, real estate agent, web designer, or business owner, you can use your profession as a missional and financial strategy for church planting.

Join our next live webinar to learn more.

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Become a
Church Planter

Your profession can fuel your ministry calling and propel your church planting journey. Planting covocationally can help you:

  • Connect with your community
  • Build credibility with your congregants
  • Achieve financial stability
  • Empower other church leaders

The Future of the Church is Covocational

Thousands more churches need to be planted in the coming years to join God’s activity to expand His kingdom. Covocational planting offers a powerful strategy to accomplish this mission!

You can join the forward-thinking movement of covocational church planting today.

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A Covocational Church Planter is one whose primary vocation is in the marketplace, but at the same time, they feel called to start a church. A “covo” planter has a clear calling in the marketplace that they don’t intend to leave. They desire to weave that calling into the plan to plant a church. The prefix “co” is the reduced form of the Latin “com,” which means “together” or to have “in common.” English words like co-founder, co-pilot or co-author are examples of words that denote partnership and equality. Covocation embodies the reality: if a person is called to the marketplace and at the same time is called to start a church, the different callings are not isolated from one another. Instead, they are interlinked and equal.

A Bivocational Church Planter works a second job to supplement the salary the church provides. Historically, the language of “tentmaker” (the Apostle Paul’s trade described in Acts 18) has been used to define this type of church planter. Typically, a bivocational planter has a marketplace job that they view as temporary. They hope the church plant grows enough to provide the financial support to leave their bivocational job to focus full-time on the church.

Get Started

As you process the possibility of planting covocationally, Send Network is here to provide resources and support along the way. Register for our next live webinar to:

  • Unlock benefits of covocational planting
  • Overcome common challenges
  • Learn to build a strategic team
  • Share your journey

Register for the webinar

Sign up for a 50-minute live webinar to learn more about being a covocational church planter.

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Helpful Resources
