Three Circles Three Arrows: In the Ice Cream Aisle

By Guest Post

Confession time, each Wednesday I anxiously await the mailman to faithfully deliver the weekly sale circular, filled with BOGO goodies.  Okay, I openly admit, I am self-proclaimed bargain hunting, coupon clipping, sale searching, BOGO browsing Mama.

Bottom line, I love a good deal and I don’t mind sharing a phenomenal find.  Who doesn’t love a good deal? And when I find one, I have to tell somebody.  By the time I check out and begin unloading my treasures, I’ve texted or phoned a few friends to let them in on this steal of a deal.  And if quantities are limited, I’ll even purchase the must have items for them, because sometimes the deals are just too good and it really doesn’t make sense not to share.

Can I speak candidly? There is an area of my life that I struggle to share- my FAITH. Of course most people would assume being a Christian and even a Pastor’s wife, sharing the Gospel would come naturally, but… it doesn’t.

Why is it so difficult to share with those I love, the faith that I proclaim and strive to live out each day?

Am I that afraid of rejection, tough questions, and awkwardness? One Sunday afternoon in the frozen food section of my neighborhood grocery store, that all changed.

“Maddie grab a carton of vanilla ice cream for dessert”-

“What took so long?”

“Mommy, I just shared the Gospel with a lady.”

“Really? When? Where? Why?”

“Just now, on the ice cream aisle, because I felt God leading me to.”

After the initial shock wore off that my tween actually approached a total stranger to share her faith, I had to ask, “What exactly did you say?”

“I simply shared the Three Circles:”

  • GOD’S DESIGN: God created each of us in His own image, to worship Him and bring Him glory (Genesis 1:26-31).
  • SIN: When we, choose to go our own way and depart from God’s Design, this is sin and it separates us from God (Romans 3:23, 3:10).
  • BROKENNESS:  When we step in to self-repair, cover up, or attempt to fix the damage that our SIN has caused, but that can only be repaired by Jesus’ work on the cross. BROKENNESS is the place when we realize we need a Savior (Romans 6:23, Proverbs 14:12).
  • REPENT & BELIEVE: The stage of acknowledgement of our need for rescue, admitting that we are sinners, turning from our SIN and putting our full trust in Jesus.
  • GOSPEL: The story of our Rescuer, who came to do what we couldn’t do for ourselves. He lived a perfect life according to GOD’S DESIGN; took our SIN to theCross, paid the price for our SIN with His death.  He was then raised from the dead by the power of God, to restore us to a right relationship with God (John 3:16).
  • RECOVER & PURSUE: When we make right our relationship with God through our faith in Christ, we can then run after GOD’S DESIGN in all areas of our lives (Ephesians 1:13).

“Mommy, it really is a tool that even I can use, to share the GOSPEL. Three circles, three arrows…simple”

With a full and proud heart, I stared in wonder at my 12-year-old missionary. This fearless, disciple armed with three circles to win souls for Christ, even in the freezer section. And the children shall lead them… (Isaiah 11:6)

Now, as I peruse the aisles in search of bright red stickers, forage through clearance bins, I’m encouraged to share more than great frugal finds, but the healing power of Jesus Christ in just 3 simple circles.

The 3 Circles model was developed at FBC West Palm Beach, FL and can be downloaded @ iTunes and Android Marketplace as Life Conversations.

View Pastor Jimmy Scroggins explaining the 3 Circles tool here.

Published October 1, 2014

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