Replanter and Revitalizer Survey
We are here to help you discern if God is calling you to replanting and revitalization.

Replanter and Revitalizer Characteristics
There are 13 characteristics pastors must develop to be effective replanters or revitalizers. For more on these characteristics, read the article.
- Visionary Shepherd
- Gospel Orientation
- Missional Focus
- Organizational Awareness
- Pastoral Grit
- Spousal Perseverance
- Resourceful Generalist
- Tactical Patience
- Initiative
- Emotional Intelligence
- Affinity for Multi-Generational Ministry
- Respect for a Church’s Legacy
- Willingness to Confront
Discern your call
Replanting and Revitalization is difficult. In order to persevere and be successful as a replanting pastor, it will require a clear call from God for both the pastor and his spouse.
To help you discern your call, we recommend two books:
- Am I A Replanter? by Bob Bickford and Mark Hallock
- Church Planting is for Wimps by Mike McKinley
Additionally, we encourage you to do an in-depth study of the book of Acts to see how the early church spread and how God used ordinary men and women to accomplish His purposes.

Take Your Next Step
Connect with the Replant team by completing the Replanter and Revitalizer Survey