Replant Partnerships
Do you want to be part of a movement that's restoring health and vitality to churches in crisis?

Strategic Church Partner
This relationship is formed as two churches who are like-minded (theologically and missiologically) come together to pray, think through and strategize how the struggling or weaker church can move forward with its mission of proclaiming the gospel to the community more effectively.
Supporting Church Partner
A Supporting Church comes alongside a struggling or weak church (or a church plant) and offers assistance through prayer, participation and provision.
Sending Church Partner
A Sending Church accepts responsibility for a church replant until it is self-sustaining, self-governing and self-propagating. Serving as a Sending Church of a church replant is an incredible opportunity, providing the highest level of involvement a congregation can make in the work of replanting.
Local Association Support
The work of local associations is vital and critical to the work of replanting struggling congregations. No one is more familiar or closer to the church than the leaders in local associations. The Associational Replanting Guide was developed by a local association and provides a process for beginning the conversation with a declining or dying church, outlining how to move them to consider Jesus’ plan for their future.
Association Resources
The work of the local Association is vital and critical to the work of replanting struggling congregations, no one is more familiar or closer to the church than the leaders in local associations. The Associational Replanting Guide was developed by an Association and it provides a process for beginning the conversation with a declining or dying church, outlining how to move them to consider Jesus’ plan for their future.

Replant Newsletter
The Replant Newsletter equips leaders with the best resources to help lead dying churches to regain health and vitality for the glory of God and the good of their communities.