Revive Summit Lafayette, LA

September 9, 2024 – September 10, 2024 • Lafayette, LA


A 2-day event that includes in-depth Bible study, prayer, practical instructions to improve Biblical preaching, proven steps to move a church toward following Jesus’ plan for their church, and meaningful, restorative worship for those in attendance.


Mark Clifton

Senior Director
NAMB Replant

JimBo Stewart

Associate Director
NAMB Replant Team

Dr. Frank Lewis

Former Pastor
Nashville's First Baptist Church

Dr. Joe Crider

Faculty at SBTS
Worship Pastor at FBC Benbrook

Dr. Richard Blackaby

Blackaby Ministries International

Rick Fisher

Vice President
Blackaby Ministries International

Kyle Bueermann

Replant Rural Specialist

Colin Pugh

Replant Specialist

Matt MacNaughton

Bivocational specialist

DAY ONE – September 9

8:15 am – Doors Open (light breakfast snack items and coffee available)

8:45 am – Welcome and Prayer

9:00 am – Opening Scriptural Focus, Frank Lewis

9:10 am – Main Session 1 – Richard Blackaby – Doing Church God’s Way

9:55 am – Break

10:15 am – Main Session 2 – Joe Crider – Worship in Church Revitalization

11:00 am – Break

11:15 am – Main Session 3 – Colin Pugh – Winning Your Community for Christ

11:55 am – Main Session 4 – Kyle Bueermann – Keep Going

12:30 pm – Lunch provided

1:30 pm – Breakouts

Rick Fisher – Powerful Praying Church

Richard Blackaby – Increasing Your Fruitfulness

Joe Crider – Why do we gather?

Frank Lewis – Steps to Expositional Preaching

2:30 pm – Break

2:45 pm – Breakouts repeated

3:45 pm – Break

4:00 pm – JimBo Stewart – Leading in Church Revitalization

5:00 pm – Frank Lewis – Diagnosis of a Declining Church

6:00 pm – Dinner provided


DAY TWO – May 22

8:30 am – Doors open (light breakfast snack items and coffee available)

8:45 am – Welcome and Prayer

9:00 am – Opening Scriptural Focus, Frank Lewis

9:10 am – Main Session 1 – Richard Blackaby – Overcoming Limits in Ministry

9:55 am – Break

10:15 am – Main Session 2 – Frank Lewis – Preaching When it is Hard

11:15 am – Breakouts

Colin Pugh and Matt MacNaughton – Thriving in Bi-vocational Ministry

Kyle Bueermann – Thriving in Rural Ministry

Joe Crider – What’s at Stake on Sunday Mornings?  Scripture-Guided Worship

Frank Lewis – Preaching through Philemon

12:00 pm – Lunch

1:00 pm Breakouts repeated

1:50 pm – Break

2:00 pm – Main Session 3 – Mark Clifton – Gospel Hope for Dying Churches

3:00 pm – Dismissal

In order to help keep attendees and staff healthy, NAMB will follow CDC recommendations for gatherings and events. We ask that if you have had a fever greater than 100.4, cough, runny nose, sore throat or trouble breathing within 24 hours prior to the event, please stay home.