As we continue to see large numbers of churches throughout North America close their doors for good each and every week, it is vital that congregations experiencing decline honestly evaluate the health of their church. More than that, declining congregations need to honestly assess whether they are ready and willing to do what it takes to be revitalized and experience new health and growth.
In my experience, here are the five big markers that a church is ready for revitalization. If your church is beginning to experience signs of decline, let me encourage you to get together with your key leaders and together discuss the following five questions.
Marker 1: Urgency – Does the congregation have a sense of urgency regarding their present condition/reality?
Marker 2: Reality – Is the congregation aware of the nature of their decline/condition?
Marker 3: Surrender – Is the congregation at or near the place of surrender in order to see a better future?
Marker 4: Flexibility – Is the congregation flexible on the non-essentials and ready to adapt to potential changes in order to see a better future?
Marker 5: Faith – Does the congregation see God as capable of doing this?
Remember, there is hope! The Lord loves you church. And He loves to show His strength in our weakness. It is true for our individual lives and it is true for our churches. To help you continue to process potential next steps for your church toward greater health, let me encourage you and your leaders to spend some time reading a little book I wrote, God’s Not Done With Your Church. Read more about it here.
This post originally appeared on Mark’s blog, Preach Lead Love.
Published July 15, 2022