Legacy Roundtable recap

By Replant

10 Observations about the first ever Legacy Church Planting Roundtable

  1. God is moving: Men are being called to go and serve in the difficult and forgotten places, NAMB is networking, Associations are mobilizing and more and more churches are opening up to the idea of letting go in order to grow.
  2. The Normative Church is vital in Gospel Advance: the majority of churches in the SBC are under 200. God is using local, community focused and indigenous churches to reach people for Jesus.
  3. This is difficult work: common stories of heartache and struggle are evidence that this calling is not for those looking for their next ministry position, a new place from which to launch their preaching ministry. The struggle is real, the spiritual warfare is intense.
  4. Break throughs are happening: churches who have not experience baptisms in years are seeing people come to Christ. Children and young families are returning to these local churches and God is bringing young men to serve and lead.
  5. Resources are Required: many of these Replanting and Revitalization Pastors have made great financial sacrifices in order to serve these congregations. Facilities are in a state of disrepair. Money is needed for updating classrooms and worship spaces.
  6. Spiritual warfare is real: Pastors and their families experience personal attacks, members become caught in conflict, and whisper campaigns tell the Pastor and Congregation that they are not going to make it. Prayer for these men and these churches.
  7. Replanters Require Networks: this is one of the most challenging endeavors. A network provides encouragement, coaching and sharing of resources. This network is forming and resources are being shared informally and formally.
  8. Prayer is a Priority: the changes necessary in bringing a church back to vitality only happen because of the work of the Holy Spirit. If a Church Planter has 100 praying for them, a revitalizer needs 500 praying for them.
  9. The Work of Pastoring is Primary: preaching, counseling, exhorting and rebuking, praying, discipling, training, equipping and sending are critical activities as the Pastor leads the congregation toward health and gospel vitality. 
  10. The future is bright: movements often begin in small out of the way places with ordinary people who seek God with everything they have. The Legacy Church Planting movement is just beginning.

Find out more, pray about joining us and let’s Redeem, Replant, Restore dying Churches for the glory of God and the good of our communities.

Published March 17, 2015

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The Replant team of the North American Mission Board works to reverse the death and decline rate of Churches. For more information and resources on Replanting go to www.namb.net/replant and follow @churchreplanter.