Picking Up the Pieces after Election Day

By Matt Henslee

I’m writing this on Election Day Eve, and there’s a reason for that. I’m a day removed from the Lord’s Day; the day set aside to worship literally the only One who knows what’ll happen tomorrow. What’s more, He may still be the only One who knows what happened on Election Day by the time this runs, at least with the potential for delayed results and all.

Suffice it to say, come January, we’ll either have President Biden or President Trump. But that’s a ways off, and right now, you have people preparing to worship this Lord’s Day that are either upset, happy, worried or any other number of emotions.

In other words, it’s time to pick up the pieces.

As the election season carried on, I saw friendships ripped in two, families fractured, and even a few churches battling a split over politics. It seemed the only thing Americans agreed upon was the awfulness of political ads. So, whether Trump won, Biden won, or if we even know –– allow me a moment to call us all to the table for a re-group.

Whether an elephant or a donkey won, the Lion of Judah is still the King of kings.

A voting booth or the Electoral College has no power to change that immutable truth. Whoever fills the Oval Office holds no candle to the Lord of lords. However, come Sunday, you may have people struggling to grasp this truth.

1. Give them the King.

This Lord’s Day, regardless of the result, we have the privilege to gather together (or online) to worship Jesus. Don’t settle for lesser lords like a President; make much of the Lord. He’s the only King who can save a single soul! (Isaiah 53:1-12)

2. Give them hope.

Some (or even most) of your folks will be reeling or perhaps rejoicing. It’s okay to be a little frustrated or grateful at the results, but remember, the one residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20500, doesn’t compare to the One reigning in Glory! (1 Peter 1:3)

3. Give them unity.

Some of your people may be divided, but we are one in Christ. No matter the circumstances of this past week, this weekend is a chance for brothers and sisters in Christ to unite around a command our King gives us (Matthew 28:16-18).

The circumstances differ, but you may have some doubters (v. 17). Arise, gather together (v. 16) and commit to picking up the pieces –– together –– by making disciples (vv. 18-20).

After all, the same Good News you preached before the election is the same Good News you preach after the election. So, enter that pulpit, brother, and give them Jesus, the King of kings, Lord of lords and ruler of every Senator, Congressman and, yes, even the President (Proverbs 21:1).

Published November 6, 2020

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Matt Henslee

Matt Henslee (@mhenslee) is the pastor of Mayhill Baptist Church in Mayhill, New Mexico, D.Min student of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of a few books, including Evangelize to Revitalize and Text-Driven Invitation.