Chapter Four: Six Replanting Imperatives
Would your church seriously consider doing whatever it takes to see renewal take place? Your church …
Would your church seriously consider doing whatever it takes to see renewal take place? Your church …
The work of revitalizing and replanting is first and foremost a work of God—renewing a church …
It pleases God to use people to accomplish His work. That’s why He is calling pastors …
For too long we have focused too much attention only on numerical attendance. Clearly, we need …
Staying in control of a local church and resisting any type of change won’t lead a …
Jesus has a plan for every church. Churches at a replanting crossroads must embrace Jesus’ plan …
Is your church thriving or dying? How would you know? It is vital that a church …
There is an epidemic of dying churches in North America—even churches that embrace the fidelity of …
Your church doesn’t have to die. God is moving, even in the most difficult places. God’s …