Steps for those interested in Replanting

By Bob Bickford

Church Replanting is continuing to gain momentum. God is calling men to this important work to reverse the death rate of existing churches. Is God calling you to the work of Replanting? Here are a few suggested next steps as you discern God’s call on your life.

Pray: it seems like a no-brainer but we often skip praying first and only pray after we’ve discovered opportunities. This classic cart before the horse move isn’t only unwise, it’s dangerous. Spend a long season seeking God’s will for your life. Replanting cannot be just another ministry option to consider–it must be a calling. Ask God to give you a burden/passion for a place and a people.

Learn: as the Replanting movement grows more and more resources are being released. Here are some resources we recommend,  and these two forthcoming books are absolute must reads:

  • Biblical Church Revitalization by Brian Croft
  • Reclaiming God’s Glory: Hope for Dying Churches by Mark Clifton

Apprentice: getting hands-on real life experience is invaluable and will help you immensely. Find a church currently being revitalized or replanted and attend there faithfully, join and humbly serve the Pastor. He could use a servant like you, you can learn from him. Contact the local denomination association or state convention if you need help finding such a church.

Assessment: you’ll gain incredible insight into your call, competencies, character and strengths of your marriage though being assessed as a potential Replanter. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has a top notch assessment which will give you valuable insights and recommendations as you seek the place God is leading you.

Patience: one of most frequently asked questions is one of timing. “How long does it take to find a Church to serve?” It takes as long as it takes. Some are placed within months, others a year or more. Your waiting is never wasted unless you allow it to be. Remember as God is preparing you He is also preparing a Church.

Want to learn more about Replanting? Contact one of our Replant Team members. We are here to help you become part of the movement.

Published February 22, 2016

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Bob Bickford

Bob Bickford is a Replant Pastor in suburban St. Louis, serves as the Associate Director of Replant for the North American Mission Board and is the co-author of Am I a Replanter,  Pathways to Partnership and the Associational Replanting Guide. Follow Bob on twitter @bobick