Theology and Function of Membership

By Nathan Rose,

James Hilton is the pastor of The Journey Church in Orange City, Florida. Since he became the senior pastor in 2004 they’ve grown from 100 on an average Sunday to well over 1,000 on any given Sunday. Listen as Pastor James gives some insights as to how they’ve seen God move.


James Hilton is the pastor of The Journey Church in Orange City, Florida. Since he became the senior pastor in 2004 they’ve grown from 100 on an average Sunday to well over 1,000 on any given Sunday. Listen as Pastor James gives some insights as to how they’ve seen God move.

Published June 19, 2018

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Nathan Rose

Nathan Rose is the senior pastor of Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri. His love for the local church propels all he does, including his role as a National Replanting Catalyst for NAMB and the Director of Church Vitality for the Clay-Platte Baptist Association. He is also a regular contributor to For the Church, a gospel-centered ministry of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is also pursuing a Ph.D. in Historical Theology. He and his wife, Rachel, have three young children. You can connect with him on Twitter at @nathanrose33.