Keeping the Energy Level High

In 2011, Mac Lake accepted the call from West Ridge Church’s lead pastor, Brian Bloye, to start The Launch Network— a network focused on assessing, training and coaching church planters. Several years later, Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board (NAMB), met with Mac and Brian and asked to use the Launch Network materials to train church planters. Mac and Brian felt led to give the training materials to NAMB so the movement could go further, faster. Mac joined the NAMB team and the Launch Network became The Multiply Group. In this episode, you’ll hear Mac’s passion for keeping the energy level high in your training so that those you train will develop a desire to be lifelong learners.


  1. Before you listen to this Mac Lake podcast, take this simple self-assessment. Use the following scale to score yourself. 


1 – Never. 

3 – Rarely. 

5 – Sometimes. 

7 – Usually. 

10 – Always. 


___ Whenever I lead a training opportunity, I make sure to design an experience for my learners that has different levels of energy and engagement. 

___ When I train, I not only ask “What content do I need to deliver?” I also ask, “What energy am I going to deliver?”

___ Every time I train, I try to find something fresh to share with fresh enthusiasm. 

___ Before I train, I make sure the environment for the training is set up for creating optimal energy in the room—not too hot or cold… not too light or dark.

___ To manage the energy level as I train, I regularly evaluate my body posture, facial expressions and vocal tone.


___ Your total


What does this score tell you about how you might increase your energy level as a trainer? 


  1. Now, listen to the podcast featuring Mac Lake.
  2. Mac told a story about two professors he studied under at Dallas Theological Seminary. Mac said that although he came into the class as an excited learner, one professor’s energy level killed his enthusiasm and curiosity. The other professor was the late Howard Hendricks. Mac said, “His energy level fed my curiosity.” Think back. Describe a time when you were an excited learner and the trainer or teacher killed your enthusiasm. Conversely, describe a time when a trainer or teacher sparked your engagement. What’s a tweetable principle you can articulate from your experiences?
  3. In describing Howard Hendricks, Mac said, “He not only taught me what he knew, he turned me into a lifelong learner. That’s what I want to do in a training session. I don’t just want to teach them what I know. I want to stir in them a curiosity that will make them a lifelong learner. That’s transformation!” What are 5-7 characteristics you think a trainer has to have to help turn others into lifelong learners?
  4. Mac mentioned four factors that create low energy.
    • The student not feeling challenged
    • A poor environment
    • Poor nutrition
    • Misapplication of the four quadrants

Which of these is the biggest challenge for you? Why? What is one thing you can do better in each area to mitigate that factor?


  1. Analyze the following scenario: A trainer is getting consistent feedback that he is a low-energy trainer. For that particular trainer, the issue is that he knows the content too well and he’s simply going through the motions. How would you coach that trainer to be better? How might that specific coaching help you in your next training opportunity?
  2. When he talked about maximizing personal health, Mac asked a profound question. “If we are not optimizing our brain and our body, then are we giving our best to kingdom work?” Mac shared, “Optimize your health for the glory of God! My goal is to optimize this physical body and brain God has given me to do the greatest good that I can.” Mac gave us several key concepts about enhancing our personal energy levels.
  • Drink water! If we are dehydrated 1 percent, our energy level drops 20 percent.
  • Be proactive for the first two hours of every day.
  • Eat what God made.
  • Processed foods take more energy to digest and deplete our health faster.
  • Sugary foods impair learning and damage the synaptic activity in the brain.
  • Your food determines your focus.
  • Provide brain-boosting food in your training sessions.
  • Food will help your neurons do what they were designed to do. 
  • Practice HIIT—High Intensity Interval Training
  • Go to bed one hour earlier.
  • Listen to “The Model Health Show” with Shawn Stevenson.

Which of these concepts might make the biggest difference in your life if you were to apply it? How might it help you?


  1. Mac encouraged us to practice reading the energy of the room—at home with our families and at work with our staffs. Ask, “Is the energy level high? Low? Why? What can I do to increase the energy level?”
  2. Take some time to reflect on the experience of listening to this interview with Mac. Ask yourself, “What have I learned from Mac? What am I seeing that needs to be different so I can be a more energetic and engaging trainer? What is one personal practice I need to implement to increase my energy? How do I need to adjust or add to my Traits of a Great Trainer?””


Write down your answers. Tell someone—a team member, a fellow trainer or your Regional Multiply Catalyst—about the changes you want to make. Ask them to pray with you and encourage you. Now, develop a strategy—next steps—to make those changes a reality. 

Published December 22, 2017