Intro – Tony Merida

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Church planting is the air you breathe when you open the New Testament, as it’s largely written to a collection of church plants.

In the book of Acts, we read of the origin of several of them.

And we get to carry on this vision today.

What a privilege to be part of this work!

What responsibility we have for seeing to it that we are planting and leading healthy, multiplying churches.

We have been given a great stewardship.

At Send Network, we want to plant churches everywhere for everyone.

And so, we work hard to help sending churches equip church planters and church-planting teams.

We’ve developed a list of nine essential qualities that provide the foundation for all our work in preparing, assessing, caring for, and equipping church planters.

A list of competencies can seem overwhelming. You may be led to ask yourself, “Who is sufficient for these things?”

The apostle Paul not only raised that question but answered it.

In his letter to the Corinthians, he said, “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant.”

Paul recognized his sufficiency, or competency, came from God.

We are not sufficient, but our God is.

Left to our own resources, we fall short.

But our confidence is in the fact that God’s grace and power are enough.

Ultimately, it is God who makes us competent.

He makes a church planter.

Together, we’ve planted more than 11,000 churches.

By God’s grace, we’ll plant many more.

Let us continue to join in God’s activity of planting churches for the expansion of His kingdom on earth. To learn more about Send Network’s 9 Essentials for training planters to be faithful and effective in ministry, check out the rest of the videos in this series.


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