Serving as a student missionary

By Zack Sims

As a full-time college student, my life consists of a frantic schedule of studying, writing papers, reading and attending class—all while juggling a part-time job and maintaining relationships with family and friends. But even with all of that going on, there has been no greater part of my schedule than living life on mission.

Accepting the Mission

I was connected to NAMB and the Farm System in February 2014 when one of my long-time friends asked me to join him on a mission experience in Atlanta. I had been praying for a while that God would reveal a plan for the upcoming summer to help me know Him more and develop as a Christian leader. As soon as I was asked to go to Atlanta, I knew God was answering my prayer. While in Atlanta last summer, I learned more about myself and my relationship with God than I could have ever imagined. God revealed to me that He did not just exist in one place and neither did His mission.

Being Spirit led

So where did the Spirit lead me? He led me to humility, grace and worship. God quickly showed me that he was the sovereign ruler of my life and revealed that His ways were higher than my ways. The grace that God offered me transformed me into a missionary who desires to see others receive that same grace. And the worship that I experienced since then has been unlike any worship I had been a part of before. For the first time, my religion was no longer about my desires; it was about being led by the Spirit. My prayers and desires were not for my own selfish gain, but for the world that God loves. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 says, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” The ministry and message of reconciliation has been given to all who call upon the name of Christ, not just to a certain group of elite believers.

Life on Mission Today

Today I am a mobilizer for the GenSend program, the very program that I was invited to join a year ago. As a mobilizer, I have been given the task of putting together a team of student missionaries that will go back to Atlanta to spread the gospel and push back darkness in the city. When I accepted the call to live life on mission and join the everyday mission of God, the mission of the gospel overrode every other part of my schedule. Living life on mission means connecting every part of your life back to the mission of God to reconcile humanity back to Himself.

 When I accepted the call to live life on mission and join the everyday mission of God, the mission of the gospel overrode every other part of my schedule.

That means the mission of God happens wherever you are. Whether you take a trip to the store, sit in a coffee shop or simply go about your daily tasks, God is there to lead you on a mission unlike any other. Yes, God and His mission are even present in the classrooms, cubicles and offices that we spend so much of our days in. God is calling us, every single Christian, to the ministry of reconciliation. And we won’t stop until every man, woman and child has had multiple opportunities to hear the gospel and receive the grace that Christ has granted us. I am living life on mission, will you join me?

Published March 30, 2015

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Zack Sims

Zack Sims is a senior Christian Studies major at Charleston Southern University. He is also serving as a GenSend mobilizer and will take a team of students to Atlanta for the summer.