What should we do for our home worship gatherings?

By Dustin Schadt

The new coronavirus has forced us all into a new normal. Many of us find ourselves having to think through things that previously took little to no mental capacity.

This is the case for family worship gatherings. It’s hard to know where to begin and what to think through as you sit down to usher your family or roommates into a time of corporate worship.

In my previous article, 7 Things to consider for your family worship gatherings, I give very practical points to keep in mind as you lead worship in your home.

In addition, here is a potential framework you can use for family worship times under the coronavirus — or when we return to a time when a community gathering in your home is possible:

  1. Explain what’s going to happen.
    Explain what you’re going to do during this time. Say, “We are having a time together to worship Jesus as a family.” It may be beneficial to share a brief outline of what your time together will look like.
  2. Read Scripture out loud.
    Have a member of the family read one verse of Scripture as your “call to worship.” This is a great time to get school-age children involved.
  3. Sing a song.
    You can (but you don’t have to) sing a song together as a family. “Jesus Loves Me” is simple, solid and easy to remember. “With Jesus in the Boat” is another good one. You can find many songs on YouTube with lyrics.
  4. Share a personal testimony.
    Interview a person in your family who has surrendered their life to Jesus. Ask them about their experience. You could also have someone share what God has been teaching them or impressing on their heart lately.
  5. Connect with the global Church.
    Talk about how churches gather like this in different parts of the world. Go to joshuaproject.net and choose an unreached people group that you will pray for as a family.
  6. Read and discuss a passage of Scripture.
    Read a passage of Scripture and talk about what it means. The parables of Jesus are a great place to start. You don’t have to be a master theologian to teach the Bible to your family. Think of one good question to ask about the passage. Ask open-ended questions, and avoid questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” This Bible-study time could be as short as five minutes.
  7. Pray together.
    Divide into pairs or smaller groups—depending on how big the group is (hopefully fewer than 10 for now!)—and have each person ask the other for a prayer request. Have everyone pray for one another. At the end, have one person pray for the whole family or group.

Christians have faced struggles throughout history that have caused them to scatter. Gathering as a scattered people makes our coming back together that much sweeter.

Find more resources on family worship and how to thrive in the midst of COVID-19 here.

Published March 20, 2020

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Dustin Schadt

Dustin Schadt lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife April and their four children. Dustin is the lead pastor of Northside Church, and has previously served with the IMB and as a student and teaching pastor in Kentucky. Northside is also the Sending Church for Hope Church, a Send Network church plant in Johns Creek, GA.