
Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.

Please pray for my family and me. My wife’s name is Sarah, and our son is Silas. I am an M.Div. student at Southeastern Theological Seminary and just started as a chaplain candidate in the West Virginia Army National Guard. We live in Wake Forest, N.C., while I am finishing my degree and, Lord willing, we will return to West Virginia when it is completed. Please pray for the soldiers and airmen of the West Virginia National Guard. Pray the Lord would save those who are far from Him. Pray our chaplains would be refreshed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to spread the gospel. Please pray for my family this summer. I may be going to Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course this summer and will be separated from them. We need strength, peace and endurance from the Lord during this time. Thank you for praying!

I Prayed

Please pray for chaplains as we serve God and cadets at Fort Knox this summer. Pray also for my son, who is 6 and has selective mutism.

I Prayed

Please pray for my wife’s health as she is being treated for breast cancer. Ask for healing in the name of Jesus. Thank you so much.

I Prayed

Praise God for those who were at our launch service and wanted to learn more about accepting Christ. Pray they will commit to serving in our church. Please pray they will not waiver in their decision and that we would shepherd them faithfully according to God’s Word. Please pray our launch team will continue deepening relationships with each other, with their neighbors and with coworkers in the area. Pray God leads us to more people whose hearts are prepared to hear the gospel. Please pray for us as we begin membership interviews with those interested in covenanting with the church. Please pray for unity among those in our church, built upon love and humility through the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 8-9).

I Prayed

We are very grateful for supporting us in prayer. We praise the Lord for the many new believers attending discipleship classes in homes. Vacation Bible School will start the first days of June. Pray children and their parents will respond to the gospel. Our English Second Language (ESL) classes will begin in August. Pray this evangelism tool will continue to sow the seed in the hearts of the people. Pray for a ministerial team and for God to provide for our family. Pray we can continue staying in the place where we currently live, as the cost of rent in this area is high. Pray for the mission trips to Guatemala and Argentina in July and August.  Pray for our family, Bethany, Bethsaida, Bethel, Berenice and Barnabas. Thank you very much for being partners in prayer.

I Prayed

Please pray for my family and for me as we seek wisdom in the care of our mom, who has dementia. Also, pray the Lord will raise up more disaster relief volunteers.

I Prayed

Over the past year, I have been seeking the Lord about a new ministry season that He has been preparing for me. Where I am presently serving at the children’s hospital, God is giving me release. My last day here is June 30. I am taking a step of faith by leaving this position. I have been approached by a local chaplain team to see if I would be interested in joining them in the future. I definitely would be, but there is no guarantee a position will be open with their organization by the time I leave here. Pray I will completely trust God’s provision, though the path is not clear. Please also continue to remember my youngest son (Caleb), who struggles with his mental and emotional health. We are continually asking God for healing and balance for him. We are his legal guardians as well. My wife (Mary) and I are also taking care of her mother in our home. Though she is doing okay overall, this is still a consistent source of stress for my wife. Finally, I believe in God’s best plan for me as I obey Him, joining Him in His work. I truly appreciate the ongoing prayers and support!

I Prayed

We thank God for successfully launching Neema Community Church on March 17. We had previously been meeting around our dinner table. Pray the Lord will use us to reach out to Swahili-speaking people in the valley. Pray success and protection for our upcoming mission trip to Kenya, May 31–June 13, in collaboration with Laveen Baptist Church.

I Prayed

We would like to connect with others who worship the Lord and practice our faith. We desire to connect the world with the gospel by committing to evangelism. We hope to connect generation to generation by devoting ourselves to raising children who model our faith.

I Prayed

We pray the Lord will continue to draw those in our community toward our core group weekly Bible study, as we empower others to share the gospel. Further, our ministry building needs some upgrades. We sell and donate items in our thrift store, and the garage door needs to be repaired. We have started to create a space for our children’s ministry. We need assistance in completing the remodel. Lastly, we are praying for consistent partners who will sow into our benevolence fund to help the community we serve. Please pray the Lord will provide.

I Prayed

Our son is recovering from a traumatic brain injury and our daughter is estranged. Please pray for our family. An employee recently lost her son. Pray also for this family.

I Prayed

Please pray for our Bible study groups. We have three groups who gather for Bible study and fellowship. Our group leaders have spiritual gifts and a calling to shepherd people. Please pray for their protection. We are raising funds for our upcoming Mongolian Conference. We are hosting this conference and will receive 400 people from all over the U.S. We are making Mongolian food after Sunday services. We have already raised more than half the funds and are working on the rest. Please pray our members will be prepared for this mass event. May God call them to the ministry and grow in faith while serving Him. Pray our church members will always look to Jesus.

I Prayed

My daughter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in December and is struggling with painful symptoms. My son-in-law is healing after a severe motorcycle/truck collision that happened in late December. He has been out of work for many months, which has caused financial issues. Please pray for healing and provision for both my daughter and my son-in-law.

I Prayed

In January, my wife, Debi, and I contracted COVID-19, and Debi still does not feel 100%. Recently, she has felt heart palpitations. She has pulmonary fibrosis and connective tissue disease, and we also have seen some changes in her breathing. Pray I can continue to support my wife with this recent health issue. Also, Debi is the caregiver for her father, Neal, who is now homebound and is declining. Home health was in for about two months and cannot take him any further in therapy. Please pray he will continue to strengthen. I am going to enroll my father-in-law in the VA HealthCare system so we can get some help with a caregiver to help with Debi. In this way, we can get away for our anniversary in September, which is the only vacation we take. It is what we look forward to all year. I also have applied for a disability-related injury that happened to my hand when I was in the service. I learned only recently that I could be a candidate for disability benefits. Please pray I will be approved if God wills. This is something I have lived with for quite some time, and it has affected me all these years.

I Prayed