Latest Prayer Requests (Print Version)

Each week, we feature prayer requests from our North American missions personnel and SBC chaplains. To get these requests from our missionaries and chaplains in your inbox each Wednesday, subscribe to our prayer newsletter.

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NAMB Prayer Requests

This past May, I had quadruple bypass open-heart surgery. Please pray for my wife and me as I return to work. Pray for safety and for effectiveness in ministry as I work with correctional staff and inmates.

I Prayed

We are moving into a new worship space. We are praying God will give us favor and bless our move in this new neighborhood. Pray God would give our church plant four mature families and four more church partners to help strengthen our church.

I Prayed

We recently renegotiated our rental contract so we can continue meeting in the same building for the next six months. Please pray for the transition, as we do have to make some changes, including moving our children’s ministry to another area. We would love to have prayers for a core servant leader who feels called to help direct our children’s ministry. We also are in need of more volunteers to teach our children so the few volunteers we do have do not get burned out. Please continue to pray for us as we hold membership interviews with those interested in covenanting with the church. Please pray according to Psalm 1, which we as a church are trying to memorize together this summer. We desire to see disciples who delight and meditate on God’s Word as living water so they bear much fruit.

I Prayed

We praise God for the 21 inmates who were baptized in June. Pray for continued spiritual growth for those who are believers and pray more will turn to the Lord. Pray for Brother Peter, who has worked tirelessly and continues to minister on B yard of Pleasant Valley State Prison. Pray for me as I consider starting ministry in a different yard in the same prison. Continue praying for the Bulldog gang. They are not responding. They don’t want to go to chapel.

I Prayed

We thank the Lord for sparing our lives to see the second half of this year. We praise the name of the Lord for the salvation and decision for the baptism of the members of our church. We thank the Lord for every provision and supply from above. We pray for His grace, strength and sound health to carry us through the remaining days, weeks and months of this year. We pray for God’s blessings upon our ministry partners and their families. We pray that our teenagers will not be influenced negatively by their peer groups and for their protection during this summer holiday. Pray we would have more divine appointments and opportunities for gospel conversation.

I Prayed

Please keep our F.A.I.T.H. Riders motorcycle ministry in prayer as they travel from all parts of the nation to Sturgis, South Dakota. They will be delivering the gospel to thousands of people over a 10-day period.

I Prayed

We would love your prayers as we move into the busy season of the year with missions teams and outreaches. Pray God will continue to light our path to the tasks He has laid in front of us. Pray we will not try to do it all but do what He has called us to do well.

I Prayed