Mission trip in Puerto Rico

Itamar Elizalde: New hope in the wake of storms

Itamar Elizalde says Puerto Rico is an island that just can’t catch a break.

Itamar Elizalde says Puerto Rico is an island that just can’t catch a break.

In the past seven years, it’s faced an economic crisis, two major hurricanes, a political scandal, six weeks of non-stop earthquakes and the COVID-19 pandemic.

But God is using that great need to open doors for the gospel. In her work as NAMB’s Send Relief ministry coordinator, Itamar mobilizes local churches and leads volunteer teams to repair homes and help people in crisis. And as she does, she connects with people in need of real, lasting hope.

“The Lord has used tragedy to awaken the hearts of many on the island who previously placed their hope in money, health and stability and can now see how fleeting it all is in light of the solid-rock hope found in the gospel,” Itamar said.

Mission trip in Puerto Rico

Prayer Requests

  • For Itamar’s teams to share boldly as they meet physical needs.
  • For hearts to be open to the gospel and for more missionaries to join the work.

Read more stories about missionaries like Itamar meeting needs and changing lives.

Published February 17, 2022

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