When God Isn’t Responding the Way I Think He Should

By Kasey Ewing

Have you ever had a time that everything seemed to be falling apart?

The past three months have been rough in the Ewing household. We haven’t had any major traumas but the multiple dramas piled up so high that I was crying, “UNCLE!”

We had two cars, paid for, that broke down the same day and we watched as our savings dwindle to cover the cost.

We discovered our teenage son was rebelling against God’s ways and our hearts broke.

Often we believe that if we are trying to live a Godly life we should not experience these kind of situations. We believe that if we follow His commands we will have a free pass from heartache and stress.

Deep down we believe that if we handle our money wisely and pay off our loans, both cars shouldn’t break down in one day.

Deep down we believe that if we raise our kids in a Christian home, teaching them the way of the Lord, they shouldn’t rebel.

Deep down we believe that if we follow God’s plan for our lives in our job we should be blessed with acceptance and approval.

Deep down we look around and see others that we believe aren’t living by His commands, yet they are being blessed and we feel mistreated and unloved.

Deep down we believe that God isn’t responding the way we feel he should to our difficulties and hurts.

I was comforted by the story of Hagar in Genesis (Ch. 16). Hagar fled because Sarai treated her harshly. The Lord found Hagar and revealed Himself to her. He told her that He  “listened to her affliction.” He responded and comforted her. “So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her,

“You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Truly, here I have seen Him who looks after me.” —Genesis 16:13

I had to remind myself that God does truly see my life and He is responding.

He is working in the midst of my situation and I had to wait for His movement. When I looked, I saw Him. As I searched for Him in each moment, He showed me that He is the God who looks after me.

He promises that in this world there will be troubles but we should be of good cheer, He has overcome the world.

He showed me how each disappointment was an appointment for me to know Him more intimately.

He proved that He is the God of seeing!

Survival Passage: Psalm 37
Survival Song: Chris Tomlin “Sovereign”

Published January 1, 2012

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Kasey Ewing

Kasey Ewing is the Director of Women’s Ministry at New Vision Church in Murfreesboro, TN. Kasey grew up as a pastors kid, married a worship leader, and is now on staff herself. Church life has been her whole life.

This year she will send her oldest son to college in NYC and her youngest heads to mingle (middle) school.