Reaching 40 countries in one place
Resources for Prayer
Brianna McKinney says for many people Denver is a lonely place. For community, they might go …
Itamar Elizalde: New hope in the wake of storms
Itamar Elizalde says Puerto Rico is an island that just can’t catch a break.
Bearing burdens in a Pacific paradise
California church cares for a family facing a life-threatening pregnancy and a recommended abortion.
7 Powerful Prayers for Your Pastor Husband
As wives to pastors and church planters, we carry a holy calling to pray for our spouse. Here are seven Scripture-based prayers we can pray on behalf of our husbands.
7 ways church planting will bless your church
I have become more convinced each year that the Great Commission is a call to plant …
We are the North American Mission Board. We connect you and your church to your next …
En la Junta de misiones norteamericanas tenemos como razón de ser el movilizar a los Bautistas …
I was a shy kid with a debilitating stutter and no friends. One night, my dad …
Partnering well: Sending Church, pray for your planter
Without a doubt, planting a church without prayer is like building a house on bare ground …
Partnering well: Sending Church, pray for your planter Read More » The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the only church Derek Collings and …