Speaker Resources

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    The resources on this page should give you information, media and other assets to help you present a cohesive and clear message when you speak on behalf of NAMB and Send Relief.

    Tell Us Where You Are Speaking

    When you are requested to speak at meetings and events on behalf of NAMB and Send Relief, we want to know where you are going to ensure that we are maximizing our messaging opportunities and not overlapping with other efforts.

    Please complete this form whenever you accept a speaking engagement that is related to your role at NAMB or Send Relief. For instance, if you have been invited to a church to preach a sermon unrelated to your role, the form is not needed. If you are invited to speak in a seminary class, college chapel service, state convention event, church or other type of event and will be messaging NAMB or Send Relief, we need to know the information.

    Speaking Engagement Form

    Annie Armstrong

    Read this First!
    Important information to help you prepare to speak on the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
    Key Talking Points
    Quick facts and messaging
    Annie Armstrong Biography
    Who was she and what was her impact?
    Annie Armstrong: Unstoppable
    Watch and download a video on Annie Armstrong.
    Annie Armstrong Logo
    Download a high-res logo.
    Visit AnnieArmstrong.com to learn more.
    How Your Gifts Fund NAMB (English and Spanish)
    See how the gifts of millions are making an impact. (video download)


    NAMB Ministry Assignments
    Review the SBC's seven ministry assignments for NAMB.
    2024 Ministry Report
    Read our annual ministry report.
    NAMB Budget Summary
    See our 2023-2024 budget summary.
    Display Request
    If your speaking assignment or presentation includes opportunity for an exhibit/table, follow the link and select "Booth & table assistance" in the Work Order section. Please do so at least 2 weeks before the start of the event. Your cost center (if applicable) will be charged for the shipping and handling charges.
    Baptist Faith and Message
    Read the Southern Baptist Convention statement of faith in English or Spanish.
    Send Network Promotional Assets
    Communicate the message of Send Network with logos, resources, brochures, and more.

    Slides & Presentations

    Presentation Assets
    Download logos, slides, backgrounds, and slide templates for NAMB, Send Network and Send Relief.


    NAMB: Who We Are
    Watch and download a NAMB overview video.
    Send Network Overview
    Watch and download a Send Network overview video.
    Send Relief Overview
    Watch and download the Send Relief overview video.
    Celebrating Baptisms
    We celebrate when the gospel is shared, heard, and received! New believers showing their faith through the act of baptism encourages the Church to keep sharing the hope of the gospel.
    Pews to Action
    What is the meaning behind the NAMB logo? It shows movement from merely sitting in the church pew to active evangelistic engagement in our communities and around the world.

    Graphics & Logos

    NAMB logo files are provided for appropriate use by churches partnering with the mission entity. NAMB logos are provided in a variety of formats and are not intended for use on apparel or in large display. If larger file formats and permission to use them are needed, please complete a marketing request.

    Downloadable Graphics
    Download logos, slides, backgrounds, and slide templates for NAMB, Send Network and Send Relief.
    Marketing Request
    Need a high-resolution logo or graphic? Let us know!


    Always thank your Southern Baptist audience for their generous giving through the Cooperative Program and to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, as these funding sources make our worldwide mission  endeavors possible. 

    Marry stats with stories whenever possible. 

    Have a clear call to action for what you want your audience to do or what next step they should take (e.g., visit one of our websites, text a keyword for information, download a resource, register for an event, follow us on social media, etc.). 

    If someone has a question about NAMB that you cannot answer, encourage them to text ASKNAMB to 888123 (Msg&Data rates may apply) or to contact us at [email protected]

    888123 is our "shortcode" and works with both U.S. and Canadian cell phone numbers. Please test each keyword yourself before sharing it so you know what the user will experience.  When advertising any of the keywords below in print or digital material, you must include this phrase along with the keyword and shortcode: "Msg&Data rates may apply." For example: Text ANNIE to 888123 (Msg&Data rates may apply)

    Our most popular keywords are:

    ANNIE - provides an online link so people can give a donation.

    ASK NAMB (or ASKNAMB) - ask any question of NAMB

    CONVERSATIONS - promotes the YouTube channel of GenSend Conversations for students and their leaders

    GENSEND - leads college students and their leaders to learn more about GenSend opportunities

    ONE - links to whosyourone.com so that a person can enter the name of their "one" to show up as a dot on the prayer map

    SEND RELIEF (or SENDRELIEF) - encourages visiting the SendRelief.org to learn more about compassion ministry efforts

    STUDENTS - Invites students and their leaders to explore the opportunities and resources NAMB offers for students

    You should connect with your Marketing Strategist to discuss, and he or she will guide you in determining if a texting keyword is the best option for your situation.