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The Adoption Fund for Ministers exists to financially assist church leaders who are ministers, missionaries or agency personnel in the adoption process. The vision is to help them bring their children home and ignite a culture of adoption in churches across the country.
God has called some to be foster parents, helping children through difficult life transitions, God has called some to adopt children, giving them a permanent family, and God has called some to help others adopt by supplying the financial means.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widow in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
—JAMES 1:27
Give to the Minister's Adoption Fund
When God calls a husband and wife to bring an orphan into their family through adoption, there are lots of barriers to overcome. One of the most significant is often the financial cost associated with the adoption. Some adoptions can cost more than $30,000. Many wonderful Christian leaders are called and willing to adopt a child, but they may find it difficult to come up with the funds necessary to pay all the expenses associated with the adoption process.
We are honored to be able to assist families and promote adoption through the Adoption Fund for Ministers. This fund was created to help ministers and missionaries meet the financial costs of adoption. We trust it will be of great blessing to children, families, and churches.