Evangelism Catalyst

Become an Evangelism Catalyst
Be sent from your local church to focus on sowing the gospel among an unreached or under-reached people group, strategic place or affinity group. Seek to organize those reached into small groups that can become a church or intentionally assimilate them into an existing local church.
Your primary focus is evangelism efforts outside the local church. You also equip and engage members of the local church in reaching the lost. You focus on a particular people group, population or demographic segment or specific affinity group (i.e., sports and leisure groups, biker subculture, refugees), and you develop contextual approaches that will reach out with the gospel to these people/groups. Recruit/enlist local church members to engage in reaching people/groups with the gospel. Actively facilitate the assimilation into the local church of those who respond to the gospel, or work to incorporate them into a new church plant.