ALPHARETTA, Ga. — Today, NAMB President Kevin Ezell shared the following email with NAMB and Send Network staff and missionaries:
Dear NAMB Family:
It is with a grieving heart that I share some tragic news with you. Clint Clifton, our brother and fellow NAMB family member, died last night in a small plane crash in North Georgia. He had just started the flight back to his home in Virginia after having been with us during Alpharetta Week.
We have delayed sending this email so Clint’s family, close friends and members of his church could be notified first.
We are shocked and heartbroken by this news. Please keep Clint’s wife, Jennifer, and their five children in your prayers. Of course, everyone at Pillar Church, the church he founded, has been hit hard by this news as well.
God generously gifted Clint in so many ways. He had a pastor’s heart and was a talented church planter with a passion for reaching people for Christ. He loved what we do here at NAMB and poured his heart and life into it. We miss him already and he leaves a void that can’t be filled.

As we pray for and encourage Clint’s family and closest friends, let’s all take care of each other as we walk through the grief and shock of this moment. Nothing can prepare you for news like this, but we have a Savior who will carry us and sustain us in the days ahead.
We will be communicating more information with you soon.
Serving Together,
Kevin Ezell
Published January 13, 2023