Andrea Burke on What Repentance Looks Like After Committing Adultery

Christine talks with Andrea Burke, who shares her story of faith that began with a distorted understanding of what it meant to be a Christian. As she puts it, her inside didn’t match her outside. Eventually, she fell head long into an extramarital affair with a married man. Despite the loving persistence of her family, friends, and her church, she refused to listen and eventually married this man. In our conversation, Andrea shares what broke her, what helped her finally understand God’s grace, how church discipline worked in her life, and what repentance has looked like. She also answers the question we often wonder about, “How do I forgive myself for what I’ve done?” 

Andrea and Lore Wilbert's Good Enough Podcast // Colossians 2: 20-23

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Artwork for By Faith created by Reed Harmon

Published October 22, 2019