A ‘Kingdom First’ self-assessment

As a trainer, how can you help the planters in your cohort plant true Kingdom First churches? I used language and concepts from Jeff Christopherson’s book, Kingdom First, to build a self-assessment you can give to planters to help them do some soul-searching.


A Kingdom-First Self-Assessment

In order to evaluate how focused you are on seeking first the Kingdom of Christ (Matt. 6:33) as you lead or plant a church, please take the following self-assessment. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high).

___ We have well-developed plans and strategies to give ourselves away to people groups and places who have a little or no access to an effective gospel-proclaiming church.
___ Our church’s goal is to discover, develop, and deploy church planting teams from within.
___ When people see how we spend our time, talent, and treasure, it is obvious that we believe our church is a vehicle for something beyond itself – multiplying disciples everywhere.
___ I am far less impressed and infatuated by the churches that leaders grow and that planters plant than I am by the kingdom fruit they produce.
___ I understand the difference between tools (establishing worship services, building buildings, growing staff) and purpose (becoming a rescuing and restoring community of faith). Therefore, I am fully focused on fulfilling our purpose.
___ We think it is normal for a congregation to be sacrificial and to multiply new congregations as a vital sign of kingdom health.
___ We have established goals and effective processes to raise up our own church planters and church planting teams.
___ My goal is not to offer a hipper, cooler worship service, but to create opportunities for people to bring about justice and mercy to needy and hurting people in Jesus’ name.
___ I believe the church exists to help restore the world to what it would look like if King Jesus has His way.
___ People characterize us as a selfless church, not consumed with our own apparent success or religious reputation. Instead, we are obsessed with a singular passion to grow the kingdom of Christ, even if that means giving away our members and resources.

___ My total

On which of the statements did you score highest? Where did you score lowest? What does this self-assessment tell you about your intentionality to be a “Kingdom First” church? What specific steps will you take in order to lead a true “Kingdom First” multiplying church?,

Published May 16, 2019