No. NAMB has provided greater accountability for stewardship by asking that strategy come before funding. And while overall per-capita spending may have shifted in some less-populous states (like Alaska), generally speaking, states are receiving the same if not more funding from NAMB under the current structure.
In addition, a state convention budget reviewed without context does not paint a full picture of expenditures. In years past, for example, NAMB would send funds to the state convention, who then passed the funds on to church plants. These were pass-through dollars and not funds that could be used by the state convention. Now, much of the church planting funding is flowing directly from NAMB to sending churches for support of church plants.
This is more efficient, gets funding to the planter more quickly and eliminates unnecessary administrative costs. As a result, while the dollars may not show up in a state convention budget, they are still on the field in that state.