Public Service Endorser’s Update

By Brent Bond

Public Service Endorser

Brent Bond, Senior Director of Chaplaincy

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10, CSB).

In the Fall 2023 SBC Chaplaincy newsletter, I highlighted from Genesis 2 how God recognized humanity’s need for companionship. In this issue, I will provide a couple of skills that can be used to promote a companioning presence.

First, a chaplain needs to be supportive and non-judgmental. According to Family Systems Theory, a non-anxious presence with others will provide a calming influence for them. To provide a stabilizing presence in an emotional triangle, it is essential to overcome the fear of the unknown in the encounter and to manage one’s biases. Before each encounter, remind yourself that since everyone matters to God, they should be treated with love, compassion, dignity and respect.

Second, a chaplain who desires to minister to others needs to master active, reflective listening skills. Active listening is a commitment to give another my full attention while giving clues and follow-up questions of the message received. Active listening also builds relationships when people feel as though “we are on the same wavelength.” Inviting and allowing a person to tell and re-tell his or her story is a great opportunity to practice active, reflective listening skills to establish a companioning presence.

Try putting these skills into practice within your ministry context. In the next SBC Chaplaincy newsletter, I will share more skills that promote a companioning presence.

Lord, you have made us in your image. We are your workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works (Eph. 2:10). Help us to be with people while demonstrating love, compassion, dignity, and respect. Amen.

Information to know:

  • Help me tell your chaplaincy story: Please provide me with action pictures and stories of you providing chaplaincy ministry with 2-3 sentences about your ministry and a memorable experience to go with the image. We will contact you for permission before we publish any pictures and stories.
  • REMINDER: We require an SBC Chaplaincy endorsement for each chaplaincy ministry or professional organization you serve or associate with. SBC Chaplaincy endorsements are not universal since each category’s requirements differ. Contact our office to update your endorsement if your ministry setting, institution, certifying organization, or church membership has changed.
  • Chaplains are an extension of their church. Share a PDF of your Quarterly Report with your pastor or church leadership. They can celebrate what God is doing in your ministry and offer prayer support. Additionally, it will give you an excellent opportunity to inform them about chaplaincy as a missionary opportunity for other church members.

Published April 7, 2024

Brent Bond

Dr. Brent Bond, NAMB Senior Director of Chaplaincy, serves as the Public Service Endorser for Southern Baptist chaplains.