1. Proven tools
Vacation Bible School (VBS) and youth camp should be high on the list. These proven tools always have evangelism in them. I was saved fifty-two years ago this summer in Pisgah Baptist Church VBS. Pastor Nolan Ford made the gospel clear. He spoke with me one on one about salvation. He gave a gospel appeal, and I responded along with 15 others. I would encourage you to do these things in VBS. Then set a time to follow up on all the unchurched kids and families. Enlist workers to make home visits by appointment. There are some who shy away from evangelism in VBS. I believe this is a mistake. You must be wise, gospel centered and sensitive. It worked in early 1960s for me. Also, make certain teenagers get to camp. Include a gospel night in the planning. Call teenagers to follow Jesus.
2. Take vacation
Most pastors will be out of their pulpit sometime in the summer. Make your pulpit supply an opportunity for evangelism. I would suggest you think about the following.
- Use a vocational evangelist. He could have a harvest message and use his giftedness to draw the net.
- Make your day away a time of evangelism training. There are some great men who could get your people fired up for evangelism and train them on how to do it.
- Challenge the best layman you have who is a soul winner to preach for you in your absence. Tell him you want him to challenge his fellow church members in having gospel conversations.
3. Reach out
We have set aside the four Saturdays in August to knock on every door within a two mile radius of our church. We will meet at 10 a.m. for assignments and knock on doors until noon each Saturday. Prepare a nice handout piece to leave with the people or on the door of those not at home. Saturate the area. Go, and tell. We are having a couple of training opportunities in July to get ready.
Amos 8:1 speaks of summer fruit. That harvest is short and must be dealt with quickly. Your summer will be over quickly. Let’s make the most of the days.
Published May 30, 2018