By Ted Traylor
“PERSONAL.” The word was printed on the outside of the envelope addressed to me.
I often cringe when I see that. For these more often contain a negative message, rather than a positive one.
However, the one that came this week was super encouraging. It was from Tom. He was moving out of our area after reaching retirement age. His letter was one of thanks. And the line that blessed me was the one where he thanked me for leading him to Jesus.
My mind ran back to the day years ago when we sat in his front yard and talked of heaven, the gospel and his need for the Savior.
One man speaking to another about Jesus is evangelism.
Pastors must do it if their churches are going to reach people for Christ.
Today, I had the opportunity to speak to one of my neighbors about the Lord. She brought it up! I discovered she was saved but had not followed through with baptism. I was delighted to help her seek the next steps.
One person speaking to another about Jesus is evangelism.
We can also use the written word to communicate the gospel. Tracts, blog posts, email and hand-written notes are good ways to share.
There are some who need to write books. They make a difference. Think of this …
A puritan named Sibbs wrote The Bruised Reed. Richard Baxter read it and was converted.
Baxter wrote Call to the Unconverted. Philip Doddridge read it and was converted.
Doddridge wrote The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. William Wilberforce read it and was converted.
Wilberforce wrote Practical View of Christianity. Legh Richmond read it and was converted.
Richmond wrote The Dairyman’s Daughter. You get the picture.
One person touching another with the gospel is evangelism.
I encourage you to touch someone with the love of the gospel. You never know what the Lord of the harvest is going to do with the seeds you sow.
Ted Traylor is pastor of Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola, Fla.
Published May 30, 2018