What Others Think I Do We all had our preconceived ideas of what being a Pastor’s wife would be like. What were yours? What did you think it would be like compared to your reality? Published November 13, 2014
Todo buen líder de iglesia tiene esta cualidad There’s one characteristic in a church leader that’s invaluable to the church but isn’t easily quantified.
Ministry Wives Podcast Being a ministry wife is a vocation without a job description… and let’s be honest — … Ministry Wives Podcast Read More »
Pastor, what is it like being married to you? What is it like to be married to you? Is it like being married to a celebrity? Or is it like being married to a servant?
Pastor, ¿cómo es estar casada contigo? ¿Qué se siente al estar casada contigo? ¿Es como estar casada con una celebridad? ¿O es como estar casada con una sirvienta?