Todo buen líder de iglesia tiene esta cualidad
There’s one characteristic in a church leader that’s invaluable to the church but isn’t easily quantified.
Todo buen líder de iglesia tiene esta cualidad
Pastor, ¿cómo es estar casada contigo?
Pastor, what is it like being married to you?
La importancia del descanso durante la plantación de iglesias
The importance of rest in church planting
Sending Churches: Finding your next church planter
Sending Churches: Finding your next church planter Read More »
5 Reasons good preaching is necessary to have a healthy church plant
Every good church leader has this quality
Managing your Time as a Covocational Church Planter
Poverty and Our Misguided (Good) Intentions
3 Reasons to plant a church bivocationally
Church Planting vs. Pastoring: What’s the Difference?