Resources on Theology
The main business of many mission committees is to determine how to spend the mission budget, …
Rethinking mission: Incarnational presence
The last post examined the missionary nature of God and the “sentness” of the church. God …
Rethinking the missionary nature of the church
If mission defines who Christ is, and if Christ sends us as He was sent, then …
Rethinking the missionary nature of God
Mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God. ~ David …
Spiritual journal discipleship
Church planters get pulled in many directions at once. The task of discipling men can get …
In January, I celebrated 14 years of marriage. I am truly amazed that God gave me …
Accountability with your growth
I remember the first time I heard Tim Keller say “Being in ministry will either make …

Why adoption is supposed to be hard: Part 3
What we are finding is that there is a special joy that comes from sharing in …

Why adoption is supposed to be hard: Part 2
As hard as this process has been so far—here is what we are learning, slowly and …
Why adoption is supposed to be hard: Part 1
This series of posts was originally written in November 2016. We have been home from China …

li::marker { font-weight: bold;} If we want to see a move of God in North America, …

I was a shy kid with a debilitating stutter and no friends. One night, my dad …