Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.
Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.
Pray my light for Jesus will shine brighter than ever before in 2025 so all employees and our community will see. Thank you for your prayers.
I praise and thank God that we have this venue where our church plant can freely send prayer requests and there are so many of us lifting together these requests. Day by Day Christian Ministries will have an evangelism event on February 15, through “Love via Satellite,” which is Day by Day’s Family and Friends Love Month. Pray a harvest of souls will be added to God’s kingdom. Pray the Word will be shared and bring spiritual and emotional healing. Pray many unchurched or unbelieving will come, hear, and be touched by His Word. Pray that more will submit to water baptism. Pray members will be faithful and generous in their giving so we can share in God’s mission.
We praise God for a successful community gathering on the last Sunday of 2024. God has been increasing our numbers. Pray for our planned mission trip to Kenya, June 13–25. We are trusting God will provide for the funds and believers who desire to travel with us.
Join us in thanking God for planting His church in Moreno Valley and for His presence thus far. Pray for God’s continued protection and provision. Pray for unity, love and encouragement among the brethren. Pray the people of Moreno Valley will be receptive to the gospel message of our Savior Jesus Christ. Pray God will grant us all that we ever need to serve this year. Pray for an increase in membership and faithful disciples as the harvest is plenty and a few laborers. We held our first Christmas toy drive on December 15, 2024. Two hundred and fifty came and 56 souls gave their lives to Christ. Several of them pledged to be part of Hope Church. Pray God will bring the increase. Pray for faithful partners who will support God’s work, financially and prayerfully. We are in dire need of churches and individuals as partners to support God’s church in Moreno Valley. Pray God will provide a home/place for Hope Church in southeast Moreno Valley, as we are currently renting a school hall. This limits us on what we can do. Pray for the continued presence and leading of the Holy Spirit at Hope Church Moreno Valley. Pray God’s peace will dwell with my wife and three children, as we run the race. Ask God to grant us the grace to finish well for His glory.
Dawn and I came home after visiting our kids in Kentucky and have COVID-19. Pray for light symptoms and a quick recovery. Also, Hospice of Marion County is in need of two chaplains. Pray God will bring the appropriate persons who have a passion to minister to those who are terminally ill. Thank you.
Just prior to Christmas, we found out that Megan’s mom, Maggie, had kidney cancer and doctors had to remove her kidney. Pray for Maggie as she convalesces. About that same time, we found out that my stepmom, Pam, was found to have two different kinds of cancer in her lungs and will require surgery. Pray for the doctors as they treat Pam and that she will lean heavily on God. Also, pray for an elderly widow, who is part of our church plant. Her husband was murdered 15 months ago when he was incarcerated. The court proceedings are now upon us, and we are her only means of support and transportation to court. The young man who initially admitted to the killing is only 29 and is unsaved. Please pray for his salvation and peace for this widow.
I was commissioned with the Georgia Air National Guard in September of last year. On February 11, I am going to officer training school and will be there for eight weeks. I covet your prayers for strength, both physical and mental, to complete this requirement to remain on the mission field. My wife, Katie, also needs prayer as this will be the first time we’ve been apart for more than a few days since we got married. We both need to be covered in God’s love and mercies as we navigate this time apart. Thank you!
First, we are so grateful for the wonderful connection with the NAMB family through cards, letters, prayers and gifts. We feel your prayers. Pray for the success of the monthly Zoom preschool teacher training. Our first one starts January 29. Pray also for our weekly outreaches at learning centers and juvenile detention. Special prayers are needed for those there. Pray for the wisdom and anointing of the leadership of our church, First Baptist of Chalmette. Finally, pray for my husband, Phil. He is battling back and foot pain.
Pray for my ministry in the workplace, where I have the privilege of caring for employees each week. Pray God will open doors for me to share the gospel and that those who hear will respond in faith. Specifically, I am praying for four individuals with whom I’ve been sharing the gospel. Please join me in praying that the scales of spiritual blindness will fall from their eyes and that they will see the light of the gospel of the glory of Jesus and be saved (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). My wife, Susanne, is preparing for surgery in the coming days. Pray for a successful procedure and that she will experience a full and speedy recovery. Thank you for lifting these needs before the Lord. Your prayers mean so much to my family and me.
Pray for my mother as she recovers from heart surgery. Pray for my unsaved family members. Pray God will give me health, wisdom and intelligence to continue serving Him. Pray God will protect me from the evil one, will open doors for me to serve Him and to provide me with His riches. Pray for my hidden and treacherous enemies. Pray God will provide a place in which to serve the Lord. Pray for the lost throughout our nation.
Please join me in thanking the Lord for answered prayers. I went to Phoenix, Ariz., for radiation therapy last summer. Many of you prayed for me, and I thank you. I thank the Lord for seeing me through. Our God is a prayer-answering God!
Continue to pray for my walk with God, that I would be found worthy of His calling on my life. I had back surgery on December 17, 2024. Pray for complete healing. My wife, Sandie, struggles with Parkinson’s disease every day. She is 72, and it’s now been 16 years. Pray God’s grace on her. Pray for me as I still work full time in outside sales for an LED lighting company in Dallas. I am 70.
Happy New Year! We are grateful for the progress of this new year, grateful for your prayers toward our family and for the ministry of the new church plant in Cartersville, as we together extend the kingdom of God for His glory. We are traveling to the Dominican Republic from January 27 to February 8. From March 9 to March 22, a team of pastors from Georgia will undertake an exploratory missionary trip to northern Argentina to form alliances with healthy church planters. March 31 through April 4, we will be on a mission trip to Honduras. We are also determining the exact date of the Guatemala mission trip in July. Pray for the success and safety of these missions trips and that many will embrace Jesus.
Pray the Lord God will continue to give us the support we have been getting and that we are so greatly in need of. Pray we stay strong in the faith and in our conviction. Pray the Lord will continue to heal Patricia as she recovers from back surgery. Pray God’s continuing grace over the laborers and over me as I serve this church.